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Intracranial Carotid Artery Calcification Relates to Recanalization and Clinical Outcome after Mechanical Thrombectomy
Stroke 48:342-347, Hernandez-Perez, M.,et al, 2017

Incidence and Clinical Significance of Acute Reocclusion after Emergent Angioplasty or Stenting for Underlying Intracranial Stenosis in Patients with Acute Stroke
AJNR 37:1690-1695, Kim, G.E.,et al, 2016

Clinical Features, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Adults
UptoDate, Leung, L.L.K., 2015

A 62-Yeal-Old Man with Fluctuating Neurological Deficits and Skin Lesions
JAMA Neurol 70:120-124, Konikkara, J.,et al, 2013

Diagnosis and Management of Sports-Related Concussion a 15-Year-Old Athlete With a Concussion
JAMA 306:79-86, Zafonte, R., 2011

Neurological disturbances caused by intravascular lymphomatosis
Brain Nerve 63:443-449, Mizutani, T., 2011

Presence of Intracranial Artery Calcification Is Associated with Mortality and Vascular Events in Patients with Ischemic Stroke after Hospital Discharge
Stroke 42:3447-3453, Bugnicourt, J.M.,et al, 2011

Clinicopath Conf, Intravascular Large-B-Cell Lympoma
NEJM 362:1129-1138, Case 9-2010, 2010

Intravascular Lymphoma Masquerading as Multiembolic Stroke Developing After Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery
The Neurologist 15:98-101, Sumer,M.,et al, 2009

Outcome of Symptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease
Stroke 40:2983-2987, Samaniego,E.,et al, 2009

Intravascular Lymphoma: The Oncologists "Great Imitator"
The Oncologist 11:496-502, Zuckerman, D.,et al, 2006

A Spinal Cord Intravascular Lymphomatosis with Exceptionally Good Outcome
Neurol 63:1329-1330, Debiais,S.,et al, 2004

Trousseaus Syndrome Related to Adenocarcinoma of the Colon and Cholangiocarcinoma
Eur J Neurol 11:493-496, Tasi,S.-H.,et al, 2004

The Neurological Masquerade of Intravascular Lymphomatosis
Arch Neurol 59:439-443, Beristain,X.&Azzarelli,B., 2002

Angiotropic Large Cell Lymphoma with Imaging Characteristics of CNS Vasculitis
AJNR 23:239-242, Song,D.K.,et al, 2002

Symptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerosis
Neurol 55:490-497, 465, Thijs,V.N. & Albers,G.W., 2000

Intracranial Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for Arteriosclerotic Stenosis
Arch Neurol 57:1625-1630, Alazzaz,A.,et al, 2000

Natural History of Stenosis from Intracranial Atherosclerosis by Serial Angiography
Stroke 29:433-438, Akins,P.T.,et al, 1998

Near-Fatal Heat Stroke During the 1995 Heat Wave in Chicago
Ann Int Med 129:173-181, Damatte,J.E.,et al, 1998

Intravascular Lymphomatosis:A Clinicopathological Study of Three Cases
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 120:164-168, Liszka,U.,et al, 1994

Toxicity and Deaths from 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstast")
Lancet 340:384-387, Henry,J.A.,et al, 1992

Stroke in Young Adults
Stroke 21:382-386, Bevan,H.,et al, 1990

Hemorrhagic Shock and Encephalopathy:Clinical, Pathologic, and Biochemical Features
J Pediatr 114:194-203, Levin,M.,et al, 1989

Abnormal Blood Clotting after Head Injury
Editorial, Lancet 2:957-9581989., , 1989

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